Ransomware attack still looms in Australia as Government warns WannaCry threat not over…
Over the weekend there has been one of the largest ransomware attacks ever. The attack has effected over 200,000 users in 150 countries but luckily most Australian business’ have not been affected due to the attack being halted by a young engineer in the US. Everyone should still be on the lookout for fake / unknown emails being sent to them because the person / people responsible for the attack can reactivate the ransomware attack. The only way to protect yourself and your business is to install the system security update released by Microsoft, have update to date Anti-Virus / Anti Malware software installed and also have daily encrypted backups.
If you are unsure if you are protected against a ransomware attack please get in contact with Gecko Managed Services to discuss what position your business is in to prevent you and your business from becoming another victim of ransomware.