What suits your business best?
This is when you contact your IT Tech when something breaks or you are needing something. Here are some Pros & Cons for this type of model
- No fixed rate
- No lock-in contract
- Call when you need
- No proactive work completed on your systems and equipment
- Speed of response may not be consistent
- Depending on how often you call, will determine how expensive it is, hard to budget and plan
- Tech’s may not be available during peak times
- Techs may not have all qualifications needed to assist you
- Possible extensive downtime for business
- May not be until you’ve been hacked that you know something is wrong
- No forwarding planning
- May need to buy your own equipment
- No contract means no Service Level Agreement
An MSP is a company that you hire to act as your IT Department. Focus is on preventing any issues. Here are some Pro’s and Con’s for using a MSP.
- Minimise your cybersecurity risk
- Professional Technicians and Account Managers who know your business and systems
- Up to date and managed virus protection
- Availability (up to 24/7 support)
- Access to Business Grade Equipment instead of Consumer-Grade
Less downtime for your business Takes the stress of you trying to
manage your own IT - Forward planning & budgeting for IT infrastructure
- Server & end-point maintenance completed without interruption to your business including back-up management and email filtering
- A signed contract also means you will have a Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Regular IT health checks completed Vendor management of other
equipment (printer, phones etc.)
- Locked into a contract Locked in fix-rate